Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Blog Assignment 6

Elad Lassry, Angela Ledgerwood. 2009  

Elad Lassry, Textile (For Him and Her). 2009  

Tony Mendoza

I chose these three images because I liked how they all use pattern or textile in them. Even though the images have been created and shown 25 years apart they still exhibit some of the same ideas.
Similarities in these images are that they all use a pattern in combination with the human figure and they use that pattern to abstract or make less visable the human figure. A difference is that the first picture by Lassry doesn't abstract the human figure but rather makes it stand out more.

Appropriation is using something or someone elses belongings or images to create your own artwork. I think that both of these exhibitions show that in one form or another, whether it's through a direct copy of an image or simply using an image of something or part of something. I think that Rosenberg is wrong about the new exhibition straying too far from the original because even though they differ in the way that they show the appropriation (ex. installation, constructed) they are still using appropriation in their artwork.

Adam and I

 I chose this picture because even though I didn't take this photo myself it is one of my favorites. It's funny because I didn't want to take the picture when we were there!

Nathan and the bird

We went to the zoo for Adam's brother's birthday a couple weeks ago. We went into a huge bird cage and fed parrots. This one liked Nathan so much he pooped on him!!

Adam and I (Halloween)

I chose this picture because Halloween is almost here! We went to The Sounds concert last year on Halloween and it was a lot of fun so I am looking forward to this year!

1 comment:

  1. Great! Is there something more that you can say about why Rosenberg is wrong, based on readings in your textbook, other than both shows have works that use appropriation?
