Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Blog Assignment 5

Louise Bouque, Still from Self Portrait Post Mortem, 2002. 35mm film, color, sound; 2:30 min.

Amy Blakemore, Jill in Woods, 2005. Chromogenic color print, 19 x 19 in. (48.3 x 48.3 cm).

Jeanne Liotta, Stills from Eclipse, 2005. 16mm film, color, sound; 3:30 min

All of these artists work with the theme of existance, and/or identity. Also they all use some sort of alternative process in their work, whether it's creating blurry images or developing film with non traditional chemistry.

Aspen, Colorado

I like this picture because when I saw this sign it made me laugh...I had to take a picture to make it last longer!


I chose this picture because my boyfriend got me these flowers for our anniversary last weekend. We went to Glenwood Springs for the weekend.

Sculpture I

I chose this photo because it was my first sculpture project that I presented in my Sculpture I class. I tend to have afear of creating three dimmensional art so this class is a nice way to force myself to work in three dimensions and get more comfortable with it.

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